Frontier Gate Blog

How To Cook Your Herbs | Chinese Herbal Medicine

How To Cook Your Herbs | Chinese Herbal Medicine

Preparing to Cook Your Herbs Before you cook your herbs, you want to start by soaking them. Place the herbs into the pot of water you intend to cook them in. The water should cover the herbs by about an inch and a half. Let the herbs rehydrate for 20-30 minutes before...

What to Expect from Your First Hypnosis Session

What to Expect from Your First Hypnosis Session

We sat down with Baltimore Magazine to discuss what to expect from your first hypnosis session! We also discussed how we approach it differently than other hypnotists by applying knowledge of Eastern Medicine and other wellness tools to the experience! Check it out...

Wind Gate Wellness receives 2019 Best of Baltimore Award

Wind Gate Wellness receives 2019 Best of Baltimore Award

Baltimore Award Program Honors the Achievement BALTIMORE September 21, 2019 -- Wind Gate Wellness has been selected for the 2019 Best of Baltimore Award in the Acupuncture Clinic category by the Baltimore Award Program. Each year, the Baltimore Award Program...

How Healthy People Can Benefit From Acupuncture

How Healthy People Can Benefit From Acupuncture

We had the pleasure this past few months of working with Ashley Mil, a Baltimore yoga instructor and blogger who lives in Federal Hill! She came in for some acupuncture and facial rejuvenation and was surprised by all of the other results she experienced! Along with...

Alternative Solutions for Battling Depression

Alternative Solutions for Battling Depression

Holistic Approaches to Seasonal/Chronic Depression As Fall begins descending the energy of nature, many people begin experiencing symptoms of depression. Depression can be so severe that some sufferers can’t even get out of bed in the morning, and sometimes can come...

Alternative Techniques for Nicotine Addiction

Alternative Techniques for Nicotine Addiction

Alternative Techniques for Nicotine Addiction Did you ever wonder exactly how many cigarettes you can have and still be healthy? Or, have you been curious about whether you have the willpower to quit? These questions and many others about addiction are asked regularly...

Acupressure points for daily life

Acupressure points for daily life

Acupressure sees the best results the longer you massage point. You want to massage in a circular motion and press deeply enough to feel a sensation from the pressure. Any or all of these can be combined to facilitate different things. One of my favorite combinations...

Hypnosis for Enhancing Wellness

Hypnosis for Enhancing Wellness

Complimentary Medicine There are many types of medicine that compliment and enhance one another. Acupuncture is one of the most popular options of "complimentary medicine" as it is extremely versatile in working with the mind and body. However, many are not aware that...

Unlock Your Natural Beauty

Unlock Your Natural Beauty

Give Cosmetic Acupuncture a Try There are countless ways to improve the way we look in the market these days. Through expensive creams and surgical procedures, people spend upwards of thousands of dollars every year on looking better. However, many of those things can...

Finding Stress Relief Through Acupuncture

Finding Stress Relief Through Acupuncture

The Body-Mind Connection When people think about Chinese Medicine, they may think about needles being used to fix knee pain, headaches, or regulate digestion. However, acupuncture has a much broader spectrum of symptoms and issues that it covers, and what many people...

Chinese Medicine & Chronic Pain

Chinese Medicine & Chronic Pain

Acupuncture is an amazing medicine. A lot of conditions that Western Medicine is baffled by can usually be approached differently by Chinese Medicine. We speak a different language about the body, and can see different patterns. In cases of chronic pain, acupuncture...

Acupuncture for Insomnia

Acupuncture for Insomnia

A Great Solution for Better Sleep Insomnia is an issue that plagues much of the population. Its symptoms include trouble falling asleep, trouble staying asleep, or waking up too early. Statistics from the American Academy of Sleep Medicine indicate that 30 to 35% of...

The Metal Element

The Metal Element

The Frequency of Autumn This is my fifth article discussing elements, and I just want to say that as a practitioner who studies and witnesses these elements in every facet of life, I find myself living by a certain degree of diligence around how I do things. I try to...

The Earth Element

The Earth Element

The Frequency of the Planet As summer begins to wind down and everything becomes hot and heavy, the earth element begins to show. In the five element cycle, it represents late summer when the flowers of the trees are now ripe fruits, and there is an abundance. It also...

Chinese Medicine for Athletes

Chinese Medicine for Athletes

Ancient Wisdom for Performance and Recovery After seeing many articles on Olympic athletes using cupping therapy, I figured I would write an article regarding how Chinese bodywork and acupuncture are used in the world of sports medicine. Let’s start with pain. What is...

The Fire Element

The Fire Element

The Frequency of Summer Right now in the US (while I am writing this!) it is Summer, the season of the Fire element. For many, summer can be long and way too hot. Other people want it to last forever. Either way, though, summer is a time for joy and activity. From a...

The Wood Element

The Wood Element

The Frequency of Spring I have talked before in my water post about each element having a certain frequency. That frequency matches all of the emotions, movements of qi and cycles associated with that element in the body, as well as similar frequencies in nature. When...

The Water Element

The Water Element

The Water Element Each element in Chinese Medicine has gifts, movements, strengths, weaknesses, and is of the utmost importance for a balanced life. Without one element the whole system falls apart. For a general overview of what the elements are check out this...

The Five Elements

The Five Elements

What are Elements? The idea of elements or body types can be seen in many different healing modalities across time. Aryuvedic medicine and its Dosha’s are one example, and the Chinese Five Elements are another. These ideas of body types came from thousands of years of...

Becoming a Warrior With Meditation

Becoming a Warrior With Meditation

Combining Meditation and Acupuncture: The Sacred Path of the Warrior Shamatha meditation is a Tibetan Buddhist form of meditation. It is practiced in order to synchronize the mind with the body and orient oneself to the present moment. Stress is a defense mode...

Keep Your Digestive Fire Burning!

Keep Your Digestive Fire Burning!

Is Your Body Too Cold? Being that it is mid-July in Maryland it’s hard to think about anyone or anything being cold. But in Chinese Medicine, we have a different idea about how temperature can manifest in the body. When an acupuncturist talks about a “cold” condition,...

Feeling hot? Try these foods to cool you down!

Feeling hot? Try these foods to cool you down!

Feeling hot? Try these foods to cool you down! Heat in the body Now that it’s summer, I have a lot of patients who fall victim to what acupuncturists call heat conditions. Acupuncturists are always looking at how the environment impacts the body, and heat is a very...

What can acupuncture teach you about nutrition?

What can acupuncture teach you about nutrition?

What can acupuncture teach you about nutrition? Nutrition and Society As an acupuncturist, I look at the whole person. Since we are what we eat, the whole person also includes diet. I often help patients tweak their diet in order to make shifts and improve symptoms. I...

Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Irritable Bowel Syndrome Food has become distorted in many modern cultures. Humans have gone from a natural state of finding nourishment and understanding its relationship with the body to not even knowing where food comes from. This distortion is so pervasive that a...

Herbal Medicine: A to Z

Herbal Medicine: A to Z

Herbs A to Z Here is a short list of common herbs and some their medicinal uses from a Western herbal medicine school of thought. Remember to always know where your herbs are sourced and how they are handled. Especially when it comes to supplements and essential oils!...

Acupuncture for Migraines

Acupuncture for Migraines

Migraine Headaches Did you know that migraines are the third most prevalent illness in the world? Or that 12% of the population in America (including children) suffers from them? Migraines are elusive and are minimally understood. One fact that’s well known is...

Chronic Renal Failure (Kidney Disease)

Chronic Renal Failure (Kidney Disease)

Chronic Renal Failure Part of this blog is about exploring medical issues that affect thousands of lives every day. One way we can do this is by shifting our understanding of what we perceive illness to be. The body is over 70% water, and from a Western and an Eastern...

COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease)

COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease)

COPD In order to best serve patients, acupuncturists have to look at both the Western Medical model and the Eastern models. If a patient is diagnosed with an illness in Conventional Medicine an acupuncturist must be able to translate that diagnosis into a Chinese...

The Dangers of Chronic Dehydration

The Dangers of Chronic Dehydration

Chronic Dehydration Now that summer is upon us, many people develop more active habits. Whether it is taking a trip, playing more sports, or simply being more social, it is easy to become unaware of how much water within the body is being used. I’m writing this post...

Address and Hours

418 E 31st St, Suite 1
Baltimore MD, 21218

Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine Appointments:

Monday and Tuesday: 2pm to 7pm (With Robert Prokop)

Wednesday: 9 am to 11:30 am (With Robert Prokop)

Thursday: 1pm to 5pm (With Rhea Nodel)

Sunday: 10am to 2pm (With Robert Prokop); and
2:30pm to 5pm (With Rhea Nodel)

Shiatsu Appointments:

Thursday: 1pm to 5pm (With Rhea Nodel)

Sunday: 2:30pm to 5pm (With Rhea Nodel)

-Please call for more availability-

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(724) 494-5051